2014 Summer Workshop

The 2014 Toronto Alexander Technique Summer Workshop

“Mindfulness in Action”

July 10 – July 13, 2014
9-12 2-5, Thursday-Saturday; 9-12 Sunday
Working with an Instrumentalist

Susan Working with an Instrumentalist

We are designed for movement. Inherent in our design is an incredible capacity for ease, flexibility, power and expressiveness; whether we are dancing, hammering a nail, working at a computer, singing or simply walking. All too often we unknowingly interfere with this design; replacing energy, delight, and grace with effort, tension and fatigue.

This three and a half day workshop is designed for both new and experienced students of the Alexander Technique as well as those considering teacher training. We will study basic principles of Alexander’s work, applying the technique to the interests of the participants: work skills, daily activities, playing music or sports, voice or dance.

Join Studio Director, Susan Sinclair and Visiting Adjunct Teacher and Physiotherapist, Sakiko Ishitsubo for this intensive three and one-half day workshop.

Sakiko Ishitsubo

Sakiko Ishitsubo

Fee: $350.00; All are welcome.

Working in Activity, July 12

Working in Activity with Sakiko Ishitsubo and Susan Sinclair

Saturday, July 12, 7-9pm

Susan Sinclair and Sakiko Ishitsubo will co-lead this class, to teach students how to apply the Alexander Technique directly into the activities of their lives; either in relation to performance (i.e. with an instrument, dancing, singing) or in relation to any daily activity or task (i.e. cycling, running, gardening, computer work, household chores)

Working with Dance

Working with Dance

Fee: $25; All are welcome.

Registration: susan@sinclairstudio.com; 416 603 2650

Location: Sinclair Studio, 151 Markham Street, Toronto


Fall Schedule 2014

Back to it – Get Off to a Good Start!

Spring Schedule 2014


Winter Schedule 2014


Martha Hansen Fertman Visit, January, 2014

January 6-9, 2014, Senior Alexander teacher in the Barstow Lineage, Martha Hansen Fertman will be visiting the Alexander Technique Teacher Training Program during the regular January training week.

Martha Hansen Fertman

As this will be Martha’s only visit to Toronto this year, in addition to leading the training during these four days she will also be offering a special evening workshop for trainees and  teachers of the Technique in Group Teaching from 7-9pm, Wednesday, January 8 for a fee of $40.

Students, trainees and graduates interested in attending the Wednesday evening workshop can register online.

Those  interested in attending the Wednesday evening workshop, and/or visiting the Training Program during Martha’s visit may also contact the Director of Training, Susan Sinclair, 416 603 2650.