Entries by rj

Gilles Estran Guest Teaching November 4

Guest teacher, dancer and Contact Improviser, Gilles Estran,  will be visiting the Training Program Monday, November 4th, 2-9pm.  All Alexander teachers and trainees are welcome to join us.  Please contact the Director of Training, Susan Sinclair, if you are interested in attending. Fee is $100, which includes the morning training session with Susan. Schedule: 9am-12pm (with Susan); 2-5pm […]

Sakiko Ishitsubo

Sakiko’s movement career began 30 years ago, as a young athlete. When she was 26, while in Japan, she worked with Bruce Fertman and decided to become an Alexander teacher. She moved to Colorado, studied English intensively for a year, then began her Alexander studies for the next three years in Philadelphia. Upon graduating, Sakiko […]

Martha Hansen Fertman

Martha Hansen Fertman, Ed.D., directs the Philadelphia School for the Alexander Technique and has done so since 1983. She also maintains a private teaching practice in the Princeton, NJ area as well as in Philadelphia. Martha travels extensively to teach Alexander Technique workshops and to help train teachers in several training programs in the US, […]

loren fishman new york times jan 2013

An article was posted online recently by the Medical Director of Manhattan Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation which focuses on back pain and alternative therapies, and specifically Alexander Techique:  Here is an excerpt: Last month, a hunched-over patient came to me complaining of such severe pain that she could not bear physical therapy. All she wanted […]