Pilates and Alexander Technique group classes for the Fall 2024 term are available virtually and in-person at the studio.

Continuing for the Fall 2024 term – in-person Alexander Technique group class Mondays at 7pm.
Drop-ins are welcome!

The Fall 2024 term schedule for all group classes has been updated. Please click here to view schedule. All of the in-studio classes are both mat and equipment.

To book a VIRTUAL or IN-PERSON private lesson, please click here.

Questions? Students may contact the studio director.



How to sign-up:

  • 30 minutes before each class Susan will send you an email with a ‘Zoom’ meeting invite and ID number.

Accepting e-transfer money payment only. Email the studio director for payment.

How to download ‘Zoom’ prior to class (be ready 5 minutes before class is scheduled):

  1. Accept the ‘Zoom’ meeting invite Susan emailed to you.
  2. You will be prompted to download ‘Zoom’ software.
  3. Enter the ID number provided in Susan’s email.
  4. Ensure the computer audio is turned on, the volume is up and webcam is activated.

You will need:

  • Yoga mat
  • Towel or a small pillow
  • Theraband and yoga block (if available)

Covid-19 Studio Protocol

Self-screening: Please do not come to the studio if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms: Fever, shortness of breath, cough that’s new or worsening, sore throat, runny or congested nose, lost sense of taste or smell, pink eye, headache that’s unusual or long lasting, digestive issues including nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain; muscle aches that are unusual or long lasting, extreme tiredness that is unusual, or falling down often.

If cancellation of your appointment becomes necessary due to sickness, the usual 24 hour cancellation fee will not apply and the student may reschedule when well.

  • Hands must be sanitized or washed upon entrance to the studio.
  • Fresh socks are to be worn upon entrance to the studio. Students may wish to wear non-slip socks.
  • Masks must be worn by teachers and students upon entry to the studio.
  • Students are asked to arrive no more than 5 minutes prior to their lesson.
  • All equipment will be disinfected, and all high-touch surfaces will be sanitized between each lesson.

Who Benefits from Movement Education

Anyone who wishes to regain or develop more freedom, ease, power, support and expressiveness in their life.

Those with injury, chronic pain, repetitive strain and many conditions: such as arthritis, chronic fatigue, issues adjunct to joint replacement, herniated disc, etc.

Performing artists and teachers of the performing arts.

Athletes and martial artists.

Those working with the constraints of computers and office environments.

Massage therapists, physiotherapists, psychotherapists, doctors, nurses, dentists, and others in the helping professions. Those in the service industries such as hairdressing, food service and transportation. Anyone wishing to maintain an ergonomic and efficient coordination.

Alexander Teacher Training

Alexander Technique Teacher Training with Director and primary teacher, Susan Sinclair, is an enlivening, experiential process of education.

Training at the studio includes annual study with adjunct teacher trainers, and occasional visiting international guests.

Susan has been running her Teacher Training Program since 2003, after assisting and teaching at the Alexander Alliance in Philadelphia from 1993-2002; all the while maintaining a private practice in Toronto.  Susan is currently on faculty at the Houston School of the Alexander Technique and the Alexander Alliance, Tokyo.

Susan has dedicated her life to the study of movement: from childhood dance, sailing and skiing to professional modern dance training; then to extensive Pilates and Alexander Technique training; followed by diverse movement studies such as T’ai Chi, Aikido, Contact Improvisation, Aerial Dance and Feldenkrais.